
Exclusive Services

Pick and choose the services you need to make a statement, bring recognition to your brand or to put your best foot forward, Then leave it me to handle the details.

1  |   Feature Articles

Research, interview, write, edit photos and captions; package and submit article; follow up with magazine editor regarding publication of feature-length article/column.

2  |   E-blasts

E-blast developed and sent via email by client staff or by My Write Connection. 

3  |  White Papers

Research (including interviews) and write “white”/position paper on topic of which client has demonstrated knowledge or expertise.

4  |  Blog Posts

Research, write, edit photos and captions; conveyance to webmaster for posting online.

5  |  Press Releases

Preparation (includes research and writing) with comment from client representative development, initiative or program.

6  |  Website Development

Create new or refresh existing content.

7  |  SEO Development

SEO is a buzz word that’s thrown around, but not really understood. I can achieve the best results to be seen by the most people.

8  |  Video Scripts

Let me help to tell your story. 

9  |  Facebook Ads 

Get your message in front of the biggest audience on social media. 

10  |  Resumes and Cover Letters

Polished, professional resumes and cover letters, not copied from website examples. Let me paint the best picture of you.

11  |  Proofreading and Editing

Let me be your set of eyes before you publish your next masterpiece. Editing for grammar and style are my specialty. 

12  |  Ghostwriting and Guest Posting

Write content with credit given to author of choice.

13  |  Commercial Script Writing 

Target your audience in a way that’s compelling and motivating.

14  |  Advertising Copy 

Create a strong call to action to bring awareness to your brand.

15  |  Speeches

Sometimes standing up in front of an audience is hard enough. Let me figure how to deliver your message in the most effective way.

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